Ostara for Spoonies

Welcome to the spring equinox, otherwise known in the Wheel of the Year as Ostara! The day and night are of an equal length, and from here the day will either begin to grow longer if you’re in the Northern hemisphere or shorter if you’re in the Southern. This might be a time for spring cleaning–whether externally by tidying up our spaces or internally by releasing what no longer serves us. Or as the holiday is strongly associated with animals, it could be an excellent time to celebrate and honor the animals we share our lives with. (Especially emotional support and service animals, for those of us who have them!) 

But for this year’s Ostara, I want to offer a spell to bless a a new habit, routine, or ritual. If we think of the seasons as related to moon phases, we had the chance to consider and set intentions back in the winter–the new moon of sorts. Now as spring sets the natural world to growing and birthing, we can begin the true work of bringing our intentions to fruition. Just as we would during the waxing moon. Let’s say, for example, that I set an intention during the winter to be more mindful. Now I have the chance to think about what practices and habits I could build to enact that intention. Maybe it’s beginning to meditate regularly, maybe it’s spending 30 minutes before bed with my phone put away, maybe it’s just doing a stretch or two first thing in the morning and paying attention to my body. The point is to find a meaningful and (importantly) achievable habit that serves my intention. 

The beauty of this spell is that it can codify any sort of habit you want to begin. It could be something large, like planning to read a book every week. It could be something very gradual, like taking five deep breaths before getting out of your car and going into work every day. It could be a physical goal like practicing yoga, or it could be a spiritual ritual like giving your patron deity an offering every three days. The possibilities are truly endless here. The only guideline to consider is what will best serve you (what intentions are you trying to manifest? What habit will improve your daily life in some way?) and to keep your capacity in mind. 


A word about the latter: when choosing a habit, I encourage you to be hopeful but realistic. I have been repeatedly guilty of setting a goal that was entirely unmanageable for my physical and energetic limitations. As an example, I attempted to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) several times. The goal is to start on a brand new writing project on November 1st and finish the month with at least 50,000 words written. I’d always start out strong, but inevitably a flareup or energy slump would derail me to a point where I couldn’t get back on track. This would ultimately discourage me from writing altogether, which is the exact OPPOSITE of what the event is supposed to do. I finally decided that it wasn’t good for my mental health (or my writing practice) to participate. 

At the same time, you also want to avoid fatalistic thinking. For instance, maybe you’d like to start journaling regularly. It might be easy to say, “You know what, I probably won’t be able to write when I’m having a bad mental health day, so this isn’t even a good goal to begin with. Never mind.” That’s just as unhelpful as overextending yourself! It’s so easy to fall into all-or-nothing thinking as a spoonie. But (for example) if you want to journal, even journaling just once or twice a week is better than not at all. That’s what I mean when I say to be hopeful but realistic. Think about what you want. Let yourself hope for it. Incorporate your limitations into the habit you want to build. And when you do get thrown off by symptoms or overwhelm, don’t beat yourself up. Get back in the groove of the routine as you’re able. 

Whew! With those caveats in mind, let’s move on to the spell proper, shall we? 


  • A candle, or something equivalent. If smoke or scent is an issue for you, you could use a battery candle, a flashlight, even twinkling Christmas lights! Or if your vision is limited, you could use a warm drink like tea or coffee. 
  • A pen and at least one sheet of loose-leaf paper. Even if you don’t like to/can’t write by hand, the paper is going to be symbolic. 
  • A space to work comfortably, ideally where you won’t be interrupted by anyone who isn’t actively participating in the spell


  • An additional place to write notes as you work. This could be a notebook or extra loose leaf paper, a notes app on your phone or computer, or a voice recording program. 
  • Clear quartz or selenite to evoke a blank slate and new beginnings


  1. Ground and center yourself however feels most comfortable for you. You might spend a few moments in quiet meditation, focusing on your breath. You might repeat a mantra. You might say a prayer to a patron deity or ask an ancestor for their blessing. Whatever gets you in the headspace for spellcasting. 
  2. Light your candle if you have one, or if you’re using something like a warm drink, place it with intention in the center of your workspace. If you can, put your hands around your object and take three slow, deep breaths. 
  3. Take a few moments to think about your chosen routine, ritual, or habit. Really consider the details as much as you can. How will this habit improve your life? What will it allow you to do? How could you grow as you practice it? If you’re so inclined, you can take notes in your extra notebook, app, etc. about your thoughts. 
  4. Now, with equal consideration and care, think about possible challenges or speed bumps. What might get in the way of you practicing your chosen routine (like flareups and meltdowns, outside obligations, etc.)? What internal challenges might you encounter (like procrastination, lack of motivation, forgetfulness, etc.)? How might you navigate these challenges? What could keep you on track even if you lose your footing for a bit? Again, if you’d like, you can take notes as you think. 
  5. Create a positive, firm, one-sentence statement of your plan for this habit. Examples might include: “I will put lotion on my face every night before bed.” “I will call my grandfather every two weeks.” “I will practice German for at least fifteen minutes three times a week.” Make sure to state the habit itself along with your intended frequency. Know that this ritual is a promise that you are making to yourself, but that it is fluid, too. It will forgive unexpected hangups. It will still be here if you falter. Building a habit is called a practice for a reason. The promise doesn’t expect perfection–it expects dedication. No more, no less. 
  6. Take your blank sheet of paper. Write your statement sentence on the page, or simply speak/sign/think the words aloud while holding the paper close to your heart. It is now infused with this intention that you’re setting, this promise you’re making to yourself. 
  7. Pass the paper around the circumference of your candle (or equivalent) three times in a clockwise circle. As you do, repeat the sentence aloud or hold it clearly in your mind. 
  8. With the routine or habit blessed, do something with your intention paper to seal the magic. You could burn the page (being aware of fire safety, of course). You could tear the paper into pieces and scatter the pieces to the winds. You could fold up the paper and place it somewhere meaningful to the habit itself (for instance, you could put it in your bathroom drawers for a hygiene or self-care routine, or on your altar for a spiritual habit. You get the idea!) 

What habit, routine, or ritual are you planting this Ostara? Personally, I just finished reading Lisa Marie Basille’s The Magical Writing Grimoire, which I cannot recommend enough. (She has a ton of accessibility ideas within the book too, which of course I adore.) In one of those strange synchronicities that often happen, I’ve also been discussing handwriting, pens, and journaling with my best friend and honorary sister (who is a self-described pen witch). So the habit I’ve decided to build is to write a poem about anything or nothing, at least once a week, by hand. I want to improve my handwriting and try out Basille’s poem spellwork, so it feels like a perfect combination.

If you’re looking for a treasure trove of ideas for activities and self-care practices (many of which could make for excellent habit-building jumping-off-points) check out my book, Your Tarot Toolkit! As the fabulous Jenna Matlin noted, it’s honestly a self-care book that happens to be about tarot. So even if you aren’t a huge tarot nerd, you’ll still find plenty of prompts and activities.

Ostara for Spoonies Tiny Witchcraft

This episode is also available as a blog post at https://ruleestory.com/2023/03/10/ostara-for-spoonies/

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The Emperor

In Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies, I’ll be going through every card individually and sharing mini insights we as disabled and neurodivergent (ND) witches can take from it.

It’s hard to bring structure and clarity to something as messy as chronic illness or dealing with ableism, but the Emperor’s wisdom for disabled and ND folks is to create structure and routine wherever possible. Your version of these things will likely look very different than an abled/neurotypical person’s, and that’s okay! But, for example, having a quasi-consistent bedtime routine has been immeasurably helpful for me. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t days when I forgo the routine because I’m in too much pain to do more than fall directly into bed. But it does mean that more days than not, I have a plan already in place for how to wind down before sleep. 

What elements of your daily life often lead to snags or cause you particular trouble? Next time you’re in a good headspace/bodyspace, sit down and brainstorm ways you might troubleshoot. If pain flareups make it unsafe for you to drive to work, can you ask a coworker if they’d be willing to carpool with you as needed? If executive dysfunction means your dirty dishes end up piled in the sink, could you save watching a favorite show for while you’re doing the dishes so it’s less boring and painful? It doesn’t have to be a perfect structure or system. It doesn’t even have to help most of the time. If it helps some of the time, it’s worthwhile. 

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The Emperor Tiny Witchcraft

Tarot Spread: Asking for What I Need

It’s an easy thing to say, “I should ask for what I need more often.” It’s quite another to actually, yknow, do that. Especially when you’re told, in so many words or through subtle societal messaging, that your needs are too much. A burden. Which is often the case for those of us in the disabled/ND communities. Just getting our basic needs met can be overwhelming, much less asking for anything that feels extra.

I find that this abstract reminder (“ask for what you need!”) can be less than helpful. If I’m in the thick of a pain flareup, EVERYTHING feels like too much. Explaining how I need my laptop plugged in feels just as difficult as just getting up and plugging it in myself. Setting a boundary like “I’m overwhelmed right now, can we wait to talk about this until I’m less flared up?” feels harder than just letting a conversation happen while I struggle to listen. So it helps me a lot to think about what I need ahead of time. Now, obviously this isn’t bulletproof. There’s no way to plan for every contingency, especially with something as unpredictable as minds/bodies that get overloaded more easily. But for regular basics, things that are likely to come up, it can be useful to brainstorm what might help you in the moment. This helps you generate a list to keep on hand. For loved ones (especially those you live with), it can be a lifeline when they WANT to help but don’t know how. And even if you live alone or don’t have a community to rely on, having a plan in place for bad days can prevent you from completely blanking on how to take care of yourself.

But where to start? Well, one option is this tarot spread that I created for the occasion. It will pinpoint a specific need that you aren’t currently addressing well, and give you some methods for troubleshooting.

Image description: a tarot spread with four cards laid out. The first is on top by itself, and cards two through four are in a line directly below the first card.

1.       What need do I have that isn’t being met?

2.       What’s stopping me from asking for that need to be met?

3.       Who could help me meet this need?

4.       How can I best ask for what I need?

As always, I’ve done a sample reading for myself to show you one way the spread might play out. I used my brand new Ophidia Rose deck, which may become a new favorite. I have a special fondness for botanical-themed decks, and this one is knock-your-socks-off gorgeous.

Image description: A sample of the above tarot spread. The cards are laid out on a purple tarot cloth, and the cards themselves are botanical and hand-illustrated. The first card is Strength. The second card is Two of Pentacles. The third card is Justice. The fourth card is Ace of Swords.

What need do I have that isn’t being met? Hilarious to draw Strength for this question, but I knew right away what my deck meant. I love being a source of support and strength for my loved ones, but when I’m going through a bad time, I find it much harder to lean on them. Or even let them know that I need them around for leaning. The Strength card often reminds us that vulnerability is true strength, and I need to let myself be vulnerable more readily with the people I love. This need is unmet because I’m not acknowledging it in myself, especially when it comes to emotional/mental needs. It’s hard enough for me to ask my spouse to get me a glass of water when standing is too painful. It’s several orders of magnitude harder to ask them to hold me while I cry. But that’s what I need to learn to do.

What’s stopping me from asking for that need to be met? Here I pulled the Two of Pentacles. Many of the Pents speak to self-sufficiency and getting your resources in order, but for the Two in particular I think of balancing many commitments and managing time well. In this case, in this spread, I…do not do that well. I get too excited about too many things, I throw myself into helping too many people, and then I find myself spread too thin and flaring up and struggling to admit to myself or my loved ones that I overdid it. My roadblock is poor time management, and a propensity to overdo it when I need to be prioritizing myself sometimes, too.

Who could help me meet this need? Justice is a peculiar draw for this question. It isn’t a card that immediately suggests any of my close confidantes. I think perhaps this points to the incredible community of humans I’ve built up as a whole. It’s easy to worry about overloading someone when you need to vent or ask for a lot of help. But I have so many good people ready to step up if I just hecking ASK them. If one of them isn’t in a good place to assist, I have other people who could jump in. As one of my favorite authors Alix E. Harrow writes in The Once and Future Witches, “She thought survival was a selfish thing, a circle drawn tight around your heart. She thought the more people you let inside that circle the more ways the world had to hurt you, the more ways you could fail them and be failed in turn. But what if it’s the opposite, and there are more people to catch you when you fall? What if there’s an invisible tipping point somewhere along the way when one becomes three becomes infinite, when there are so many of you inside that circle that you become hydra-headed, invincible?”

How can I best ask for what I need? Ace of Swords. If tarot decks could speak out loud, this one would be shouting at me, “JUST SAY IT.” The Ace of Swords stands for clarity and clear communication. Enough said, really. I am perfectly capable of using my voice to help others, so I need to be just as willing to speak up for myself.

As I said, this spread isn’t comprehensive by any stretch of the imagination. But it is a starting place. Once you’ve identified one need that isn’t being met and put a plan into place to address it, you could do the same spread again to find your next step. Or just doing this one time through might set your mental gears in motion and you might not need the full spread—you could just pull one card for “what need isn’t being met right now” and go from there. The important thing is, you have a springboard to jump from.

If you use this spread and find it meaningful, I’d love to hear about it in the comments. Or if you’re feeling especially generous, send me a tip at ko-fi (link is below this post)! 

Tarot Spread: Asking for What I Need Tiny Witchcraft

This episode will also be available on my blog at https://ruleestory.com/2023/03/03/tarot-spread-asking-for-what-i-need/

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The Empress

In Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies, I’ll be going through every card individually and sharing mini insights we as disabled and neurodivergent (ND) witches can take from it.

The Empress always makes me think of a gardener, cultivating delicious vegetables and herbs to use in their kitchen witchery. This is someone who understands that yes, we need our healthy, nourishing meals…but we need them to be delicious, too.

For spoonies, the Empress asks us to nurture and nourish ourselves with that same degree of care. This is easier said than done, of course–sometimes it’s all we can do just to manage the bare necessities of daily life. But look for small ways to make your self-care a touch more rejuvenating. Self-care has become stereotyped into images of face masks and bubble baths.

But for disabled and ND folks, those little indulgences are often further out of reach than they might be for our abled and neurotypical counterparts. We’re doing good to manage a quick shower–how are we supposed to find the spoons for a long, luxurious bath? But perhaps there’s a middle ground. Get a pack of those shower tablets that perfume the shower like a bath bomb. Create a soothing playlist to help keep yourself centered while you’re grocery shopping. Keep an eye out for tiny, low-spoon ways to spoil yourself during otherwise-mundane activities. The Empress wants to help you do more than simply survive. 

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The Empress Tiny Witchcraft

Ritual: Meet and Honor Disabled/Neurodivergent Ancestors

So full disclosure, I originally slated this post for just before March because I had read that March is Disability Awareness Month in the US. Then when I came back to actually write the post, I did a bit of research and it turns out…that may or may not be accurate? Basically in 1987 there was a declaration to make March National something month–but I’ve read both that it was National Disabilities Month and National Developmental Disabilities Month. Which, to be clear, is also very important! But it’s more specific than I originally thought when I was writing this ritual. I’ve also read that October is Disability Employment Awareness Month, so some people see October as the biggest month for disability awareness. And then July is sometimes celebrated as Disability Pride Month! 

All of that being said, I didn’t want to scramble for a new topic today, and anyway we don’t really need an “official” month to be proud or advocate for awareness. So this is a ritual to honor the disabled and neurodivergent people who have come before us. You can do this ritual in March, July, or October if you want to align it with a month when more people than usual are thinking about disability awareness. But ultimately, you can perform this ritual anytime you want to connect with our disabled and neurodivergent ancestors. 

This ritual can be done alone or with a group. If you’re working with multiple participants, make sure everyone knows what the ritual will entail ahead of time–it’s not a bad idea to talk everyone through the steps before you even begin. Not everyone is comfortable with ancestor work, and they absolutely shouldn’t be put on the spot or coaxed into participating. Furthermore, if anyone feels uncomfortable partway through the ritual, they should be able to bow out with no protests from others. Give folks the option to say, “With gratitude, I withdraw” and step away from the ritual. It might even be wise to create some sort of visual sign or safeword ahead of time so if anyone is overwhelmed/uncomfortable, they can still let the leader of the ritual know. 


  • A space where you can best focus and tune into your intuition. Maybe that means putting on music or inviting someone to participate in the ritual with you for body doubling. Maybe it means finding complete silence and solitude. Whatever works best for you! 

For each person participating in the ritual: 

  • Something you use for self-care that you can make an offering of. Some possibilities might be a soothing drink like tea or hot chocolate that you often make yourself, lotion that you frequently use, or a small craft item like thread or beads from a craft you use to unwind.
    • The goal here is to offer something personal to your self-care routines. But you absolutely should NOT offer something that is costly or hard to come by. Medication of any kind, for example, should not be offered here–not even something like ibuprofen that’s comparatively easier to get than prescription meds. (Plus if you leave the offering outside, which is what I often do, you don’t want to accidentally leave something where animals could harm themselves by ingesting it.) But that includes anything that you spend a fair amount of money on, too. If you have a fancy lotion that you buy as a treat for yourself, for instance, I wouldn’t recommend using it as an offering–not even a small dollop. Err on the side of something personal, but accessible. Even a glass of water can be used in a pinch. Hydration is a self-care fundamental, after all. 
  • Something you can use for divination. This could be a tarot or oracle deck, a set of runes, tea leaves, etc. Or it can just be pen and paper or something you can use for free writing, which is a good all-purpose tool that doesn’t require prior experience.
    • Folks who haven’t practiced cartomancy before can still use tarot or oracle decks if they’re so inclined! In this case, make sure they have a deck with evocative card illustrations. (It’s hard to get intuition from “here’s a card with six swords. Here’s a card with seven swords” if you’ve never practiced tarot before, for instance.)In this case, pay attention to the illustrations on the cards you pull, and rely on your intuition to interpret whatever images are there. Don’t worry about what the Wheel of Fortune is supposed to mean. Just focus on what it means for you in this moment. 
  • Something for each person to take notes with
  • If you have one on hand, obsidian can be a great crystal to keep nearby or hold during ancestor work. 


  1. Once everyone participating in the ritual is settled in, begin by casting a circle or creating sacred space in whatever way works best for you/the group. Center and ground yourself to the earth, perhaps. Say an opening prayer to whoever or whatever you’d like. Or simply spend a minute or two focusing on your breath until you feel acclimated to the ritual headspace. 
  2. Since we’re going to be opening a line of communication with ancestors, we want to make sure that we’re protected from anything unwanted picking up the phone on the other end. I don’t personally believe in evil spirits or malicious beings in this situation (though you may, and that’s absolutely valid!) but I do know that there are ancestors who aren’t as healthy in spirit as others. While there are methods for safely working with them, these probably aren’t methods you want to just dip into for a one-off ritual. So before we invite any communication, we want to invoke protection. There’s a few ways this can be achieved.
    1. My favorite method of protection in ancestor work is asking a known ancestor, deity, or spirit to join me in the space and act as a barrier between me and anything else in their realm. I do a lot of ancestor work, so my great-great grandmother Dodo is my go-to for this. If you or anyone in the ritual has a deity, ancestor, or spirit that they know well, ask that entity to join you. Thank them for their presence, and ask them to protect you as you perform the ritual. I usually say something like, “I ask that you stay with me as I reach out, and only allow ancestors who are well in spirit to speak in this space.” (Making an offering for this specific protector is a nice gesture, too.) 
    2. If you’ve cast a circle or otherwise created sacred space, you can simply declare your intention for that space’s purpose. Firmly and clearly say, “In this space I/we are safe from any unwell spirits or beings. When we open ourselves to communication from the ancestors, only those who are well in spirit may come forward in this circle.” 
  3. Invite ancestors who were disabled and/or neurodivergent. You can absolutely use your own script if you’d like, but if you need an all-purpose one, say, “I/we now invite those disabled or neurodivergent ancestors into the space. I am/we are your descendents in spirit, and today I/we seek your wisdom. You are welcome here, and I/we thank you for your presence.” Take a moment of silence/stillness to allow them to connect and arrive. 
  4. Allow everyone in the ritual to introduce themselves to any ancestors who are visiting. Each participant should share their name and pronouns, and any disability, chronic condition, or neurodivergence they’re comfortable claiming. (Make sure everyone knows ahead of the ritual that this will be part of it–you don’t want to put anyone on the spot, after all.) So, for example, I might say, “My name is Ru-Lee. I use they/them and ey/em pronouns. I have fibromyalgia, IBS, and sensory processing disorder.” If it’s more comfortable for folks, they could also be more broad: “I am disabled/neurodivergent/etc.”
    1. If you’re performing this ritual solo, you could go into more details about your conditions or about anything else. Since you have more space to talk, you could share what your passions are, for example. Any visiting ancestor likely wants to know more about you! 
  5. Once introductions are taken care of, everyone should take turns making their offering. You can simply present the item, or if you’re comfortable doing so, you can also offer a few words on why you chose the item you chose, e.g. “I offer this peppermint tea, which I drink when my stomach hurts.” 
  6. Take a few moments of individual reflection. Each person should pay close attention to any sensations that come up, images that come to mind, etc. This is where it’s a good idea for everyone to have their own writing implements or tool for taking notes. If you don’t keep some track of any intuitive hits that come through, it’s way too easy to lose their thread once the ritual is over. Even if it seems nonsensical or peculiar, note them. 
  7. Everyone should now take up whatever divination tool they’ve chosen, whether it’s a deck of cards, a set of runes, a blank notebook page, etc. One person should say, “We invite your wisdom. What strength do you see in me/each of us?”
    1. Allow a few minutes for everyone to pull a card, read the leaves, free write, etc. and take notes on their results. 
  8. Ask, “What can I/each of us do to improve the world for our disabled and neurodivergent siblings?”
    1. Again, allow time for everyone to divine and take notes. 
  9. If you’d like, you can allow a few more moments of quiet reflection. 
  10. Thank the ancestors for their presence and bid them farewell. A possible script: “I/we thank you from the bottom of my/our heart(s) for your presence and guidance. And I/we honor the struggle you experienced in life and your work to pave the way for me/us. Go with our gratitude.” 
  11. Close the circle, let go of the sacred space, etc. Whatever you need to do to come back from ritual headspace. 
  12. Take a few minutes to reflect on your experience–if you’re alone you could journal or meditate on it, and if you’re in a group invite participants to share with one another. What intuitive information came through? What wisdom came from the divination questions in steps 7 and 8? Did anyone make any connections they’d like to keep working with/explore further? 
Image description: a ritual space is set up on a balcony. It's a sunny day. There is a colorful towel and a tarot cloth on top of it, with the King of Cups and the Lovers tarot cards from the Linestrider tarot laid out. There's a small teaspoon, a besom, and a lighter. On a slate plate with the wheel of the year decorating it, there's a mug of tea as an offering, and a green candle.

This was part of my setup when I performed the ritual. I offered tea, and before I invited anyone else, I pulled out the tarot cards that usually represent my dad and my great-great grandmother Dodo and asked them to protect me. 

As always, feel free to adapt or adjust this ritual outline however you see fit. If you want to ask further questions of the ancestors, for example, you certainly can do so! Just remember to be respectful, the same way you might if you were visiting a friendly older relative. 

Happy (possibly?) Disability Awareness Month. Or happy day you decided to honor your disabled and neurodivergent ancestors no matter what month it is! If you liked this ritual, please consider supporting me on ko-fi with the button below.

Have a wonderful week! 

Ritual: Meet and Honor Disabled and Neurodivergent Ancestors Tiny Witchcraft

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The High Priestess

In Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies, I’ll be going through every card individually and sharing mini insights we as disabled and neurodivergent (ND) witches can take from it.

The High Priestess is the spokesperson for intuition. When we think of intuition, we usually think of a little voice whispering in the backs of our minds, or perhaps a vague sense of rightness or wrongness as we make choices. I don’t think we connect the witchy idea of intuition with phrases like “trust your gut” as often as we should. I’m very guilty of this, certainly–my body is an achy, exhausted place to live, and I often do my best (consciously or unconsciously) to ignore the signals my meat suit sends me.

But intuition can be the feeling of warmth or tingles when you put your hand over the right tarot card. It can be a tug in the pit of your stomach when you’re considering making an unhealthy choice. I’ve quoted this song on the blog before, but I love Sleeping at Last’s “Body“, in which a repeated refrain goes, “There’s magic in our bones, a north star in our soul that remembers our way home.” 

So when going through your day, the High Priestess encourages you to remain open to intuition from all sources. It’s one thing to try and distract yourself from a bad pain day from time to time, but it’s quite another to ignore every message your body ever sends you. Be willing to listen at  least some of the time. Even if all you can do is hold space for your body to complain, that is still insight. Trust the magic in your bones. 

Tiny Tarot Wisdom for Spoonies: The High Priestess Tiny Witchcraft

This episode can also be found on my blog at https://ruleestory.com/2023/02/21/tiny-tarot-wisdom-for-spoonies-the-high-priestess/